Retrograde Mercury



In my works I recreate the relationship between myself and people in a manipulated reality. The unusual thinks that I create in graphics, drawings, collages, photographs and installations are as fruit of my memories and creative inventions. In many of my works can be seen my interest in various social problems. New world order, the role of icons in modern society and attitudes towards animals are just some of the topics that repeatedly can be found in my works. Passing of religion in politics, to everyday situations absurd, I'm interested in more common emotional and mental conditions such as narcissism, longing for love and beauty. I have already been working with existing visual material, which I enrich with my own developments with narrative character. I tell my stories in a new way, focusing on specific aspects of the plot and so I describe my experiences once again, but this time as a spectator.


Kaloyan Iliev -Kokimoto 

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