
19 - 31.01.2012



Spartak Dermenjiev-Paris

with the exhibition “Whore certificates”

from 19.01. to 31.01. 2012


The works were created during the last 15 years. They are a continuation of the exhibitions “Bulgaria whore totalitarian” (1997) and “Beauty and stability of sin” (1998). The author wrote the following about these exhibitions:


“The theme of my works is Sin. Not the Sinful human nature, but Sin as an official ideology (social practice).

The underlying idea is to show cynicism as the refuge of the weak and defenseless human being, the sole possibility for men to accept life.

Thesesculpturesanddrawingsconfessour inability todistinguish (ourunwillingnessandhelplessnesstodifferentiate) betweengoodandevil, truthanduntruth, sin and righteousness.

I wanted to present the moral values as a sort of “landslide”.

Hopeless and thoughtless lead to cynicism. Vulgarity and triteness can transform into basic aesthetic category.

By means of cynicism and triteness I am referring to:

- the infantilism of “good”;

- the universality of “evil”;

- our need to believe in untruth;

- our inability to accept the truth;

- the transformation of the vulgar into the beautiful;

My works are not directed against woman, they are not directed against Sin. TheyareaboutSin.”


Exhibition “Whore certificates” is a continuation of this idea, therefore author briefly defines it as “the prodigal son`s return”.

It is as if the sculptures and drawings are extracted not from the studio, but from the artist`s soul, as in the verse from the medieval Spanish poet Huan Ruiz’s Book of the Good Love”, which author uses as the exhibition’s motto:   


„We can never attain her

through our leprous flesh,

blind, irresolute, forlorn …”


And the author continues:

“Provocation or challenge, reality or fantasy, pornography or art, you alone must decide.  Just one is sure: you will see a lost human soul.

Maybe you will see yourselves.



Spartak Dermendjiev